Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Alternative Voting System in Parliamentary Elections Essay - 1

Alternative Voting System in Parliamentary Elections - Essay ExampleUK has seen in many such reforms that have made it a youthful democracy with elected representatives, from being a monarchic state (Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor, 2007, 9). My word will examine the current electoral win overs that have been proposed, which signal the ushering in of the Alternative Voting scheme (AVs). This topic has been in debate in the UK parliament for quite some years, and is currently under review, in the House of Lords and the Parliament. My article will explore to find out whether the changes in the electoral processes that will append in use of the Alternative Voting System or AVs in parliamentary elections, would actually give way towards improving democracy in United Kingdom. What is AV AV represents a very simple change to our current First-Past-the-Post (FPTP) voting system. The principle behind AV is a no-brainer the winner in an election should fatality the s upport of a majority of the people. AV makes this happen with taste perception voting. All that means for voters are swapping the X on the ballot paper for numbers, so voters can rank the candidates in order of preference 1, 2, 3 (Electoral Reform Society, Introducing the Alternative Vote). Fig 1 (Source Electoral Reform Society, Introducing the Alternative Vote). In this figure, we lift out an example of a voting centre, which has 4 candidates A, B, C and D, standing for an election, while the number of voters is taken to be 100. In the present electoral process that is known as the First-Past-thePost or FPTP, Candidate A has garnered the maximum number of votes, and is the clearly the winner, though he hasnt received even 50% of the impart vote share, that is, majority of the voters are not backing him.

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